When a family member or a loved one loses the ability to make decisions on their own, then a guardianship and/or conservatorship is likely needed. A conservatorship is also needed when a person under 18-years old receives assets that total over $10,000. The easiest way to think of guardianship and conservatorship is that it allows a court appointed fiduciary to assist a protected person with their personal care, day to day activities, and finances. We take a holistic approach to guardianships and conservatorships and discuss less restrictive alternatives with our clients to ensure that each family is provided with individualized options. If you have a family member or loved one that needs assistance, please contact our office.
Example Services
Asset Protection
Guardianship Protective Proceedings
Conservatorship Protective Proceedings
Emergency Protective Proceedings
Guardianship and Conservatorship Disputes
Protective Persons’ Rights
Court Approved Supplemental Needs Trusts (for adults & minors)
Professional Fiduciary Representation
Special Needs Planning
Asset Planning for Minors and/or Persons with Special Needs
Practice Area Attorneys